During each service on Sundays, all children are invited to the front for a 'Children's Moment' as a group to explore a devotion designed especially for kids.

For the remainder of the service, children 0-3 are invited to the nursery. Children of all ages are welcome to remain with their parents and/or guardians, if desired.

Sunday school

At 10AM, children and youth are invited to attend Sunday School at the same time their parents (and/or guardians) attend their Sunday School class(es).

Sunday School is held in designated classrooms according to age where they learn theology, discuss age-appropriate contemporary issues, and form friendships.

Children meet in the following rooms:

  • Room A104: Preschool
  • Room A105: Kindergarten – 5th Grade


These are some of FCC's most exciting and anticipated children's events of the year:

  • Wednesday nights

    During the Spring & Fall, we meet on Wednesday nights for fellowship, games, prayer, worship, service, or any combination of the above! Everyone K-5 are welcome to come and bring friends! Check for upcoming Wednesday nights on our Events page.

    We focus on activities that will help us grow our relationships with each other, with God, and continue to grow in our faith and spirituality. We hope meeting weekly will form lifetime bonds to each other and the church.

  • Summer camp

    During the summer, we attend a week-long camp at Disciples Crossing Camp in Athens, Texas. They offer Family camps geared to the whole family or camps for children to attend on their own. For more information, you can check out the Disciples Crossing website.

  • vacation bible school

    We spend one week during the summer learning about God in a fun environment! With the help of volunteers, dozens of children make memories, sing songs, and form friendships at FCC's VBS.

    Check our calendar for this year's VBS dates and information!


    A few of our most anticipated community events of the year include Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, and Christmas Festival which all provide a fun environment for all ages.

  • baptism

    As a church affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) we follow the call of a believer’s baptism. This means that we baptize, by full emersion, adults and children when they are old enough to make their own choice to be baptized and understand the commitment of what it means to join the church. When an adult or a child feels ready to make this big decision in their life, they attend a “Discipleship Class” led by one of our ministers. During this time, they also make their confession of faith to the congregation, and then are baptized in our sanctuary. We typically offer the class the weeks before Easter and the baptisms on Easter Sunday. However, we understand that God’s call in you may not align with this time frame; please see a minister of the church for alternate class schedules. 

  • retreats

    In the Fall and Spring, we are invited back to Disciples Crossing Camp in Athens, Texas to attend retreats. There are several different dates for different ages. Check out our Events page to find the next retreat dates.

Please contact us if you have other questions about our Children's Ministry.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...